
336 Suchroboter im WWW

  1. 4 – call a toll free nunber to find home, fax and cellular phone numbers, and web and email addresses.
  2. 555-1212.Com – Area code directory finder.
  3. AAA Matilda – Australian search engine
  4. Acronym Database of Peter Flynn
  5. Acronym search in CORDIS
  6. Aesir Custom Search – Customize your favorite search engine with output filters.
  7. Ahoy! – The Homepage Finder
  8. Airlines of the Web
  9. Airport Search Engine – ASE database contains airport- codes and a list of links to airport pages on the web.
  10. aladin Deutscher Suchindex
  11. Albany 120 Suchdienste in Einem
  12. Alberta.Com – Business phone listings in Alberta, Canada.
  13. Alcanseek – search Alaska and Canada
  14. Alexa – suggests interesting sites based on the ones you are visiting.
  15. ALIWEB
  16. ALIWEB Form Search
  17. All-In-One Search Page – more than 200 basic search engines on one web site.
  18. Alta Vista – Australia – mirror site providing Australian, New Zealand, and Pacific Rim users with faster access.
  19. Alta Vista – Europe – mirror site offering a variety of countries to connect to and languages to choose from.
  20. AltaVista – web and news group search engine.
  21. American Directory Assistance – Provides up-to-date phone numbers for people nationwide.
  22. American Universities – A directory of college and university home pages. Find a school, then students or employees.
  23. AmiCrawler – Macintosh, Amiga, OS/2 searches a specialty.
  24. Ananzi – search engine dedicated to the South African domain.
  25. AnySearch – Korean search engine
  26. AnyWho – reverse Telephone Number Search – Find a person or business using their telephone number.
  27. AnyWho – Find telephone numbers, email, Home Page Urls, Fax, Toll Free number information.
  28. Anzwers – Designed for Australian and New Zealand Users.
  29. AOL NetFind
  30. Apollo – International business directory, searcheable by country, state, or type of business.
  31. Aqueous – dedicated to sites that have water related content.
  32. Archie – List of WWW Archie Services – from Nexor
  33. Archie Oldenburg
  34. Archie Search Request Form
  35. Archie Services – List at nexor
  36. ArchiePlexForm TH Darmstadt
  37. Arkansas Direct – search engine serving the state.
  38. Ask Jeeves – a human-powered search service that aims to direct you to the exact page that answers your question.
  39. AstaLaVista – daily updated search engine monitoring hundreds sites with hack + crack stuff.
  40. AstroNet – Search Astronomy and Astrophysics resources.
  41. “AT & T 800 Business Search”
  42. AT1 Search – search the invisible Web.
  43. AvatarSearch – search engine on the internet totally dedicated to magick, paganism and the occult. Offers exceptional URL add and update features.
  44. Aviation Search Engine from Totavia – Aviation Information Services
  45. Axis-Online Verzeichnis Suche Dateien und Webseiten, deutsch
  46. BabyOIL – resource discovery system – Simple interface to some of the most popular Internet resources: WWW, Libraries, Software, People, Tech Report, Online documents
  47. Beaucoup – The Exceptional way to search!
  48. Bellnet
  49. Belnet Deutsch,nach Rubriken
  50. Big Yellow – Yellow pages with over 16.5 million U.S. listings.
  51. BigBook Directory – Over 11 million US businesses listed, shown on zoomable maps.
  52. Bigfoot – e-mail directory.
  53. BizAds Business Locator – the search engine dedicated to business listings.
  54. Black Widow Search – combines the best features of a web spider and a directory. Includes the ability to instantly add your URL with no waiting period.
  56. Brendon Allen’s Search Engine
  57. Brian’s Emulation Search Engine – similar to Yahoo! or Altavista. All subjects of emulation, ROMS, technical info, for all systems.
  58. Britannica Internet Guide a directory of websites.
  59. Business Seek – First exclusive search of businesses
  60. Campsearch – The search engine for camps
  61. Canada 411 – find a person or a business in Canada
  62. CasePoint WebServer
  63. CERN
  64. Cinemachine – the Movie Review Search Engine
  65. City.Net
  66. ClassMates Online – Find your old high school alumni. More than 15,000 schools are registered.
  67. Clearinghouse
  68. Comfind – Global business directory.
  69. Community-based Navigation – We are testing an enhanced version of Mosaic that supports fast Likert scale rating and automatically pools item-ratings in a community server that can recommend and evaluate URLs.
  70. Company Site Locator – The tool for searching for companies’ websites when you don’t know the exact URL address.
  71. Content Router
  72. Cool Search – add your site to the database for free.
  73. CORDIS CD-ROM Database Search Forms
  74. CUSI at Duesseldorf
  75. CUSI at Northwestern University – Configurable unified search index.
  76. Cyber 411 – search multiple major search engines at the same time.
  77. Cynet – Malaysian search engine.
  78. DaClod (Wustl)
  79. Deja News
  80. DINO online ” – nur Seiten in deutscher Sprache, Suchmaschine und Index; German internet organization system (in German). ”
  81. Discovery Channel Online Search Engine
  82. DisInformation – Everything you know is wrong.
  83. DIY Search – search engine dedicated to the DIY music, e-zine and arts community.
  84. Dogpile.Com – multi-engine search tool.
  85. E-Mail Adressen Internet u. T-Online, registrierte e-mail-Adressen
  86. e411 – Websites for the rest of us.
  87. EINet
  88. EINet Galaxy
  89. El Faro ” – buscador robutico o “araa” que recorre el web en busca de contenido en el idioma castellano y lo agrega a una base de datos, dentro de la cual el usuario puede realizar b’squedas.”
  90. Electric Monk – allows users to perform natural language web searches in plain English.
  91. Electronic Journals – access to every kind of electronic publication imaginable.
  92. ESP – Email Search Program
  93. Eule Deutsch mit Katalog
  94. EuroSeek – European-based search engine which covers the globe.
  95. Excite
  96. EZ Find
  97. Fido the Shopping Doggie – Fido provides a centralized database of product listings from different vendors on the web, so that a shopper can save time by searching Fido’s database instead of searching through all of the vendors’ web sites.
  98. Fiji Search Engine – search for Fijian WWW sites.
  99. Filez – search page with an index of over 60 million files and all the popular corporate and shareware sites.
  100. Find It!
  101. Finden Katalog und Suchmasch. dtsch
  102. Fireball groesster deutscher Suchindex, 2MIO Seiten.
  103. Fish-Search
  104. Flipper
  105. flix Der deutsche Branchenindex
  106. Four11 – The Internet White Pages, by Yahoo.
  107. FTP – Search Engine
  108. FTP search v3.3 – server located in Trondheim, Norway.
  109. FTPSearch – covers over 3,000 FTP sites of freeware and shareware programs.
  110. Funnysite – humour search engine
  111. G-Spot – GSI Spot is a Phillipine search engine.
  112. Gazooks – links pages
  113. General Acronyms in Berlin
  114. GlobalAds – searches pages only inside GlobalAds Mall.
  115. GLOSS – database for text
  116. GNA Meta-Library
  117. GNN Der Global Network Navigator
  118. GNN Home page Has a huge list of home pages from around the web
  119. GOD (Flobal Online Directory)
  120. Gopher Jewels – A catalog of resources available from gophers worldwide, maintained at the University of Southern California. Gopher Jewels contains over 2000 links and is divided into 13 major subject areas.
  121. Gopher Servers WorldWide
  123. Grit – includes RealAudio site reviews.
  124. GTE Super Pages – Interactic Yellow Pages.
  125. Harvest
  126. Heureka – search engine for Hungarian Webspace.
  127. Home Team – Search for pages or names, multiple source searches, limited searches, batch e-mails, submits to multiple search engine sites!
  128. Hong Kong Search Engine
  129. Hoover’s Master List Plus Database – Search for information on over 9,300 companies.
  130. Hotbot
  131. HOTLIST Deutsch, ohne Katalog
  132. i-Explorer – search under various categories or by keyword.
  133. IBM infoMarket Search
  134. Identify – Search the web using IDML.
  135. In 2 Ireland – Irish search engine
  136. Inference Find – Home Page and Resource Center – the intelligent massively fast parallel web search.
  137. Infohiway – Point-n-go access to the Infohiway. GeoSurfer reveals the web geographically, Plus… FTP, Gopherspace and more.
  138. InfoSeek
  139. InfoSpace – phone numbers, email addresses, businesses, city info, etc.
  140. Infoweb Bag’O’Links – a free-for-all link repository. Add yours today!
  141. Inktomi
  142. Interference Simultansuche in m.Suchm.
  143. InterHost 2000 Sitzungsbezogener Zugang zu diversen Datenbanken, teilweise abfragbar.
  144. Internet Address Finder – database of over 4 million e-mail addresses.
  145. Internet Public Library
  146. Internet Search – internet MCI’s search engine, powered by Open Text
  147. Internet Search Tools Diverse Suchwerkzeuge
  148. Internet Sleuth “database of web databases; generates list of links to other engines; keywords, alphabetically, categories”
  149. Internet Yellow Pages – from Imall. Find any business in your area.
  150. Internet Yellow Pages
  151. InterNIC Database Search Engine
  152. Irena – Web Connections Finder – glean from a target page of this Web server all relevant hypertext links and their annotations. Irena is especially useful for locating links to resources referenced in long, complex and densely written HTML documents.
  153. Italian Spider
  154. IWEB Search Service – This search engine periodically polls the hotlists and annotations of registered users. It performs searches on this database for relevant links.
  155. James Kirk Search Engine – looks specifically for Star Trek sites.
  156. Japanese Open Text Index
  157. Johnes – a search engine for European users.
  158. Jumbo – search engine for software.
  159. JumpStation locating sites and docs on Web
  160. Keyword.Com
  161. Kolibri – German oriented search engine.
  162. LawCrawler – search legal resources.
  163. LibWeb – links to over 900 library servers worldwide.
  164. LinkMonster – Website search and announcement directory
  165. Linkstar
  166. Lokace – francophone search engine.
  167. LookSmart – From the New Reader’s Digest.
  168. Lookup – database for email addresses.
  169. Lookup USA – commercial site – find any business in the U.S and order an in-depth business profile online.
  170. Lycos
  171. Lycos Deutsch, mit Katalog
  172. Magellan Internet Directory
  173. Magic Search – JavaScript-powered site which allows launching of searches in several search engines.
  174. Mailing-Listen -Info 7300 Mailinglisten
  175. MathSearch – search a collection of mathematical Web material
  176. Mega Crawler Sites nach Regionen engl.
  177. Meta-Index at NCSA
  178. MetaCrawler
  179. Metasearch
  180. MineNet – White Pages – White Pages related to mining are listed in this document by continent.
  181. Mojoe – dedicated to animation, sound, chat and database connectivity.
  182. Money$earch Home Page – aimed towards small business owners and on-line investors in the financial markets. All sites reviewed and described on-line.
  183. Mother Load – Do 3 types of searches – The Insane Search, The Web Search, and the Mother Load Search.
  184. MRO-Explorer – industrial search engine to locate distributors, manufacturers, and related subjects.
  185. MusicSearch – music search engine with over 5,000 links and growing.
  186. Navigate dot Net – The search engine that instantly submits your WEB site’s URL in its directory for indexing. A great Internet listing and search tool.
  187. NCSA What’s New
  188. Nebula Search – Looking for a sci-fi site? Use the only sci-fi search utility on the Internet! Easy and fun to use with a unique structure.
  189. Net Shepherd Family Search – a search engine for the whole family.
  190. netAddress Book of Transportation Professionals – contains the email addresses and URLs of a variety of transportation professionals.
  191. Netguide
  192. NetLocator
  193. NetMall “6.600 Firmen nach Schlagwörtern”
  194. NetPages – by Aldea Communications
  195. New Riders WWW Yellow pages
  196. News Hunt – a search of FREE NEWS SEARCHES found on the net!
  197. NlightN
  198. NLN Metasucher
  199. Noah – the Animal Search Engine
  200. Nordic Web Index – a collaborative effort across the Nordic countries, providing a free Web search service to the general public in the Nordic countries.
  201. Northern Light Search – search the Web or their special collection.
  202. Nynex Interactive Yellow Pages – business directory with over 16 million listings.
  203. OKRA net.citizen Directory Service – directory of over 5.5 million entries.
  204. OneKey
  205. Open Text Web Index lets you search parts of web pages (titles, hyperlinks) with word-proximity operators and ranked (numerically weighted) search terms
  206. OpenText
  207. OpenText Index
  208. Original Yellow Pages
  209. PC411 – database of over 110 million telephone book listings for the entire United States and Canada.
  210. PeekABoo Services – Your Services, Travel + Information Directory
  211. People Finder – Put up a message about the person you’re looking for.
  212. PlanetSearch
  213. PointCom Survey
  214. PointCommunications
  215. Poke! – search assistant that uses javascript and frames. It is/ always with you, an alt + tab away.
  216. Pollinia – Network Orchid Resources
  217. Populus – the people locator
  218. Pregnancy and Parenting Search Engine – a search engine devoted to pregnancy and parenting related web sites. Categories include a range of topics relating to pregnancy, parenting, and family issues.
  219. Pronet – International Business Directory
  220. ProsperNet – comprehensive hierarchical directory with yellow page listings and a search engine.
  221. Prototype WWW/SOLO server 1.0/1.0 – A gateway using SOLO (RFC draft) to search several directories including X.500 Paradise. A SOLO libwww module is also available.
  222. Quarterdeck Bekannte Suchhilfen, von Quarterdeck zusammengestellt
  223. Radar – international search engine. In English and Spanish.
  224. RBSE’s URL database
  225. Newsgruppen u. Mailinglisten
  226. Rescue Island – search engine for commercial goods and services
  227. Ressourcen-Index
  228. Ressourcenliste (CERN)
  229. Savvy Search “simultaneously queries Lycos, Yahoo and several other engines; presents hyperlinks”
  230. SavvySearch
  231. SciFiSearch – resource for Science Fiction related site searches.
  232. SeaCrawler – search engine for Seattle web sites.
  233. Search Argos – Limited Area Search for web sites and documents that cover the Ancient World.
  234. Search NZ – New Zealand search engine
  235. Search.Com – powered by Infoseek. Also access other search engines.
  236. Search.NL – Search Dutch cyberspace. Unique fuzzy searching eliminates the need for correct spelling of search queries.
  237. Searchers
  238. Sesna – Ukrainian Search – Search Ukrainian WWW
  239. SG-Scout home page
  240. Shareware.Com – More than 175,000 files of software.
  241. Sift – search for newsgroup articles.
  242. Simmany – Korean search engine.
  243. Snoopie – Over 5 million files have been indexed for download at over 450 ftp sites World Wide. A search can be completed as fast as 10 milliseconds.
  244. Starting Point Metasearch
  245. Study Web – comprehensive searchable categorized index with reviews of over 17,000 educational and reference Web sites.
  246. Subject Clearinghouse
  247. Suchmaschine Euroseek Euro im deutschen Modus
  248. Surf Point – uses 6 search engines
  249. Surfer’s Edge – searchable and browsable index of Singapore and Singapore related web sites.
  250. Swiss Search – full text search engine for Switzerland, Suchmaschine für die Schweiz. L’index de recherche pour la Suisse entire. Il cercaindice per tutta la svizzera.
  251. Switchboard – Directory of more than 90 million names and phone numbers.
  252. TechnoFind – Singapore search engine
  253. TechWeb – the Technology Super Site.
  254. The Blue Window
  255. The Dive – the Democratic Internet Voting Engine
  256. The Informant Server ” – personal search agent; will send email when your favorite urls are updated.”
  257. The Internet Sleuth – With more than 900 searchable databases, this is one of the best web sites for locating specialized information.
  258. The Internet Yellow Pages ” – Every business in the USA right at your “mousetip!””
  259. The Mania Search Machine – Blake Cameron’s Search engine
  260. The Public Safety Search Engine – features law enforcement, fire and EMS related web sites.
  261. The Spider’s Apprentice – a public service site that offers help on searching the Web. We also analyze and rate the major search engines.
  262. The spry Internet Wizzard
  263. The Stanford Netnews Filtering Service filtert Newsnet-News und legt sie in Ihre Mailbox
  264. The Ultimate White Pages – Search multiple white pages directories.
  265. The Ultimate Yellow Pages – Search multiple yellow pages directories.
  266. The Url Tree
  267. The Volcanologist List – Guide to Volcanologists on the Internet
  268. The WebCrawler
  269. The WWW Worm “sucht nach speziellem Hypertext, Seitentiteln, Wörtern in URLs”
  270. The WWW Yellow Pages
  271. The Yellow Pages
  272. The Yellow Pages (Canada)
  273. TheEvent Horizon
  274. TheLinks – includes major search engines, plus 800 numbers, zip codes, usp, yellow pages and medical databases.
  275. TheWall
  276. TheWell Connected Mac
  277. Travel-Finder Spider – demonstration contains information collected on travel related resources and information.
  278. Tribal Voice
  279. tu berlin Deutschsprachige Seiten
  280. U.S. West Dex Yellow Pages – Search by name or category.
  281. Ugabula – buscador: search Spanish and Latin sites.
  282. UK-Index ein Verzeichnis englischer Web-sites
  283. UKSearch – searchable database of UK web sites.
  284. USEnet FAQ List Search Engine
  285. Usenet-addresses (MIT)
  286. USPS Zip Code Lookup
  287. Verity Internet Virtual Library Search – searchable index of documents of interest to those using and developing the world-wide web and its related technologies.
  288. Veronica (Gopher Search) – veronica is a searchable index of gopher resources available over the Net.
  289. Verschiedene WWW-Suchwerkzeuge
  290. Virtual Yellow Pages
  291. W3 Catalog
  292. W3 Search Engines
  293. WAISInc
  294. Wakano – Korean language search engine
  295. Web Katalog deutscher Web-Seiten
  296. Web Index – internet search engine for Greece.
  297. Web Tour – spanish search engine. thousands of links to spanish web sites. includes an ezine, quizs, best of the day, links exchange.
  298. Webcrawler Das Standardsuchwerkzeug von AOL
  299. WebCrawler deutsch
  300. WebDawg Sales Site – aimed specifically toward finding business sites offering items on sale.
  301. WebDirect! – Add, modify or delete websites, add or delete Yellow Page indexes, keywords, and display search results the way you want to.
  302. Webhound WWW Interface – A personalized WWW agent that recommends new WWW sites to you based on what WWW sites you have expressed a preference for in the past.
  303. WebPort City Gateways
  304. Webseek – content based image and video catalog and search tool provides searching through one million images and videos by subject categories, text and visual features.
  305. Websurfer
  306. Webtaxi – search engine and database navigation interface/guide
  307. WebWise Library – provides access to books, indexes, AV resources, newspapers, and magazines, and provides an online Internet Help desk.
  308. WebWorm
  309. What’s New Too
  310. What-U-Seek – a search engine, by the people, for the people.
  311. Where Did They Go? – a database that documents when people or companies change their name, address, phone number, email account, or URL
  312. Who’s On-Line – A collective experiment towards a non-commercial, decentralized HYPERbiographical database of people on the Internet.
  313. Who’s Who Online – searchable biographical and professional data about people of accomplishment who are part of the worldwide Internet community.
  315. WholeInternet Catalog
  316. Whoopie – index of audio and video.
  317. WhoWhere? – An e-mail address finding service that uses a simple search form.
  318. World Access Internet Navigator
  319. World Alumni Net – an automated alumni e-mail registry and bulletin board for colleges and high schools all over the world.
  320. World E-Mail Directory – Directory that searches by continent, with more than 152 million entries.
  321. World Wide Web Wanderer Index
  322. World Wide Yellow Pages
  323. WorldPages – Your one-stop directory for telephone, email and web site connections.
  324. WWW Home Pages Broker (harvest) – it uses WAIS as an indexer/search subsystem.
  325. WWW Robots, Wanderers and Spiders info on Web robots, list of known bots on WWW
  326. WWW Virtual Library
  327. WWWomen Search Directory – Comprehensive search engine. Includes resources for arts, business, computers, internet, education, feminism, health, lesbians, magazines, shopping, fashion, and sports.
  329. Xplore – collection of 500 of the most interesting, informative, and entertaining sites on the Web.
  330. Yahoo
  331. Yahoo Canada – Search the web from a Canadian viewpoint.
  332. Yahoo deutsch.
  333. Yahoo’s search by country and region
  334. Yam Web Navigator – searchable database of Taiwanese web sites.
  335. Zebra – South African search engine.
  336. ZenSearch – select sites.
  337. Zip2 Yellow Pages – find people, directions, maps. – online yellow pages offering detailed and reliable directions and proprietary maps, both Java enhanced and html.
  338. ZZZ Search – search in Estonian.